“Eru fasteignaskattar orðnir of íþyngjandi fyrir atvinnulífið?”

mánudagur, 25. nóvember 2019 12:10-13:30, Nauthóll Nauthólsvegi 106 101 Reykjavík

Því miður þá forfallaðist Styrmir Gunnarsson og fengum við Magnús Á Skúlason til að hlaupa í skarðið.

Erindi Magnúsar fjallar um þróun fasteignaskatta á atvinnuhúsnæði. (Ekki íbúðir).

Magnús is the Managing Director and founder of Reykjavík Economics, a private economic consulting firm. 

Magnús has an MBA and MSc in economics, from Cambridge University (Jesus  College) and University of Iceland, respectively.

Prior to founding Reykjavík Economics he had position as Director for the Centre for Housing and Property Research at Bifröst University, where he was an Associate Professor in Economics until January 2007. Magnus has been a lecturer at the University of Iceland and Reykjavik University.


Earlier in his career he was a Managing Director of the Reykjavik City Theatre, Television Production Company in Copenhagen as well as the Iceland Dance Company.


Magnús has been interviewed by the global media, e.g. the FT, BBC, CNN, WSJ, the NYTimes, etc.


Magnús is the President of the Oxford Cambridge Society of Iceland and a member of the Board of the French Icelandic Chamber of Commerce.